Morning, its 36 mintues past 12 and i just woke up yes, JUST. I've yet to freshen up cause i'm just so lazy so so so so so so lazy.Its the last 3rd day of the holidays and i've not even touch the books yet.Looks like this holiday would be a week of fun instead of study.Ain't that better?
Right now at this very moment, I'm messaging my serect lover and at the other hand i'm deleting of friends in my friendster.I'm just so lazy to create another account and also whats the point just delete thoese UNKNOWN people to me.
Let me see what has i done the past few days.
- Monday, CHALET
- Tuesday, A trip to escape and went home from chalet.
- Wednesday, Stay at home.
- Thursday, Followed my mum to work.
- Friday, still no plans

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